Fall 2002

    • "The Teacher-Scholar: Pedagogy as Social Justice"
      Adapted from Michelle Gonzalez's address at the GTU Commencement in May 2002. Michelle is the first Latina Ph.D. in systematic and philosophical theology, and is now assistant professor at Loyola Marymount University. "As an academic, and as a lay woman in the Roman Catholic Church, I have struggled to find an avenue for the centrality of Christian action proclaimed by liberation theologians in my own life and work. In the past few months, I have come to see my teaching as an expression of Christian justice.. . . In the process of teaching my students about liberation theologies, I have come to see my pedagogy as the liberative action these theologies embrace."
    • New Students
      Profiles of incoming doctoral and M.A. students in ethics and social theory, Jewish studies, homiletics, and theological aesthetics.
    • Milestones
      As the GTU celebrates its fortieth anniversary, a look back at a few of the remarkable events and people who have shaped this daring institution.
    • From the President's Desk
      "Much attention has been given to the study of leadership over the past decade. However, the revelations over the past months about..."
    • News and Notes