Center for the Arts & Religion (CARe)


The Center for the Arts & Religion (CARe) promotes scholarship, reflection, and practice in the arts and religion to serve the Graduate Theological Union and to benefit the community.

CARe Library Exhibitions

See what's on view in the GTU Library!

Check out CARe Package, the official CARe blog!

Geografías Paralelas: Coronado, Fernandez, Arceo

In the Doug Adams Gallery through May 24, 2024, this exhibition showcases the multi-media work of three artists who migrated to the USA from Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Creatives' Cove

CARe helps support the Creatives' Cove, a GTU student group focused on cultivating and connecting scholars with an interest in creativity and the arts.

Courses and Degree Programs

The GTU offers a variety of courses and opportunity in the concentration of Arts & Religion, as part of the Department of Historical and Cultural Studies of Religion.


Art & Religion students in Doctoral programs are eligible for a range of generous financial aid packages and fellowships.


CARe is pleased to offer grants of up to $2,000 to GTU students and faculty in support of projects that center on religion & the arts.

About CARe

CARe is the arts center of the GTU, providing opportunities in the visual arts, dance, theater, music, and literature for students, faculty, staff, and the community.

Art and Religion at the GTU

The Art and Religion concentration at the GTU is a robust area of study, with core doctoral faculty at the GTU, supported by additional faculty with expertise in aesthetics and the arts across the GTU consortium.

CARe People

CARe is made up of lots of fantastic people. We have our core staff members, as well as Art & Religion Faculty, Consortial faculty, and of course - our fabulous students!


The Doug Adams Gallery is open Tuesdays - Fridays, from 10am - 4pm

Music Break with the Hangtown Fry

GTU Librarian Colyn Wohlmut's band the Hangtown Fry will be playing live music for us on the patio! Be sure to mark your calendars for this fun-filled evening event.

The Hangtown Fry are Kevin Brownell, Vern McElroy, David Rothenberg, and Colyn Wohlmut. They play a new style of music: "citygrass...

2400 Ridge Rd
5:00pm to 6:00pm