GTU Voices

Welcome to GTU Voices, where students, faculty, alumni, staff, and supporters of the Graduate Theological Union share reflections on the academic and cultural life within our diverse GTU community. If you’d like to join the conversation, contact

Written by: Wendy Arce

Persevera y Vencerás: An Abuelita’s Words Revisited during a Global Pandemic

Dr. Wendy Arce shares the wisdom of her abuelita her grandmother: "Persevera y vencerás" - Persevere, and you will overcome.

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Written by: Elizabeth S. Peña

Troubled Times: Turning to the Arts

In her reflection, Dr. Peña reminds us that art can comfort us, art can help us understand and express our own emotions, and art can give us hope.

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Written by: Braden Molhoek

The Conflict and Ethics of We're in this Together

Dr. Braden Molhoek shares his perspective on the complexities of our ethical responses in our times.

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Written by: Munir Jiwa

Our Interconnectedness

Dr. Munir Jiwa speaks about our times as "a rare global life-affirming moment to think more about our shared humanity, the environment that begs us to change our destructive ways, and to address and heal the inequalities, inequities, and injustices that stare us in the face."

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Written by: Rita Sherma and Devin Zuber

A Meeting of the Waters

For Dr. Rita Sherma and Dr. Devin Zuber, "This current great disruption has pushed us, like many others, to return to our roots, and to reengage, reread the texts we love that have so formatively shaped us."

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Written by: Kathryn Barush

A Pilgrimage-in-Place

Dr. Kathryn Barush reflects, “For those of us who are restless wanderers, travelers, and pilgrims, the call to practice self-isolation to limit the spread of COVID-19 has been a challenging adjustment. But the ancient practice of tracing a labyrinth can help us find a place of solace and rest.”

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Written by: Deena Aranoff

Call the Passover a Delight

As the Passover holiday approaches, Dr. Deena Aranoff asks, ”How can we create sacred time in an age of pandemic?"

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Written by: Diandra Erickson

Interview | Online Learning at the GTU: Diandra Erickson, PhD

A conversation with the GTU's Associate Dean of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment, Dr. Diandra Erickson, who reflects on online learning opportunities at the GTU, including our new Interreligious Studies Certificate—the first fully online program at the GTU.   

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Written by: Kamal Abu-Shamsieh

Spiritual Care, Resilience, and Community

In his reflection, Dr. Kamal Abu-Shamsieh defines resilience as "the ability to sustain our purpose and our sense of self and direction." In the struggle of physical distancing, "we can find strength in remembering that we are connected and interdependent."

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Written by: Uriah Y. Kim

Community and Connection: Calling on “Our Better Angels” through Crisis

Interim President Uriah Kim reflects on building community amid the coronavirus pandemic. "In these past weeks, there is a sense in which we remain remarkably intertwined: engaging with one another through Zoom, chat platforms, email, old fashioned phone calls, and at fundamental human level, in our shared experience of unfathomable circumstances."

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