2019 Distinguished Faculty Lecture with Munir Jiwa

Tuesday, November 12th 2019, 6:30pm
PSR Chapel, 1798 Scenic Avenue Berkeley, CA 94709

The Graduate Theological Union Presents: The 44th Annual Distinguished Faculty Lecture, "Liberal Inclusion or Liberal Conversion? Islamophilia, Islamophobia, and Islamic Studies in Interreligious Contexts."

Dr. Munir Jiwa, Associate Professor of Islamic Studies and Anthropology and Founding Director of the Center for Islamic Studies (CIS) will be this year's speaker.

Rev. Dr. Dorsey Blake, Visiting Associate Professor of Pastoral Leadership and Social Transformation at Pacific School of Religion (PSR), will be the respondent.

Public reception immediately following the lecture will be held in the Badè Museum, Pacific School of Religion (located directly across the courtyard).

Watch the full lecture on our YouTube channel.