Brown Bag Lunch with Roslyn Sholin

Friday, November 1st 2019, 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Doug Adams Gallery, 2400 Ridge Road Berkeley, CA 94709

CARe's Brown Bag Lunch Series features presentations by recent CARe/GTU grant recipients, students, faculty, and staff. These are informal presentations, so please bring your sack lunch! Free & open to the public.

Our November talk will be given by Roslyn Sholin, entitled The Museum of You is Open, What’s on Display? Roslyn is a creative director, budding archivist, historian and curator. This talk explores her exhibition My Attic, Your Story: An Immigrant’s Journey held in 2017 at the Oshman Family JCC in Palo Alto. Roslyn describes what happened when she inherited a house that had been in her family for 80 years. As she examines how family history and world history are inextricably linked, and how objects can enrich a storytelling tradition, she invites participants to consider their own family artifacts. How will you tell your story for the next generation?

The Doug Adams Gallery is the primary exhibition space for the Center for the Arts & Religion at the Graduate Theological Union.