Faculty Publications by Date

Books Written or Edited by GTU Faculty by Date

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Below is a list of faculty publications, organized by publication date.



Karen Lebacqz with Matthew J. Gaudet, Eight Theories of Justice: Perspectives from Philosophical and Theological Ethics (Fortress Press, 2025).



Christopher Ocker (GTU/SFTS), The Hybrid Reformation: A Social, Cultural, and Intellectual History of Contending Forces (Cambridge University Press, 2022).


Kathryn Barush (GTU/JST)Imaging Pilgrimage: Art as Embodied Experience (Bloomsbury Academic, 2020).

Christopher Ocker (GTU/SFTS), Luther, Conflict, and Christendom: Reformation Europe and Christianity in the West. Cambridge (University Press, 2018).

Sam Berrin Shonkoff (GTU/CJS)Hasidism: Writings on Devotion, Community, and Life in the Modern World, co-ed. with Ariel Evan Mayse (Brandeis University Press, 2020).



Jerome Baggett (GTU/JST)The Varieties of Nonreligious Experience: Atheism in American Culture (NYU Press, 2019).

Jennifer W. Davidson (ABSW) River of Life, Feast of Grace: Baptism, Communion, and Discipleship (Judson Press, 2019).

Richard Payne (GTU)Pure Lands in Asian Texts and Contexts: An Anthology, co-ed. with Georgios Halkias (University of Hawai'i Press, 2019).

Rita Sherma (GTU/CDS)Vivekananda: His Life, Legacy, and Relevance, ed. (Rowman & Littlefield, 2019).

Devin Phillip Zuber (GTU/CSS)A Language of Things: Swedenborg and the American Environmental Imagination (University of Virginia Press, 2019).



Purushottama Bilimoria (GTU/CDS)History of Indian Philosophy (Routledge History of World Philosophies, 2018).

Thomas Cattoi (JST)Depth Psychology and Mysticism, co-ed. with David Odorisio (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018).

Nancy Hall (ABSW)A Manual of Worship--Newly Revised (Judson Press, 2018).

Cynthia Moe-Lobeda (PLTS/CDSP)Bible and Ethics: A New Conversation, co-authored with Bruce Birch, Jacqueline Lapsley, and Larry Rasmussen (Fortress Press, 2018).

Richard Payne (GTU)Language in the Buddhist Tantra of Japan: Indic Roots of Mantra (Bloomsbury Academic, 2018).

Rita Sherma (GTU/CDS)Sustainable Societies: Interreligious Interdisciplinary Responses (Springer Sophia Series, 2018).

Sam Berrin Shonkoff (GTU/CJS)Martin Buber: His Intellectual and Scholarly Legacy, ed. (Brill, 2018).

Augustine Thompson (DSPT)Dominican Brothers: Conversi, Lay, and Cooperator Friars (New Priory Press, 2018).



Julián Andres González Holguin (CDSP/PLTS)Cain, Abel, and the Politics of God: An Agambenian Reading of Genesis 4:1-16 (Routledge, 2017).

Ted Peters (PLTS), God in Cosmic History: Where Science and History Meet Religion (Anselm Academic, 2017).

Kirsi Stjerna (PLTS)The Annotated Luther, ed. and contributor (Fortress Press, 2015-2017).

Anh Q. Tran (JST)Gods, Heroes, and Ancestors: An Interreligious Encounter in Eighteenth-Century Vietnam (Oxford University Press, 2017).

Seigen Haruo Yamaoka (IBS)Shin Buddhist Ministry: A New Perspective (Institute of Buddhist Studies and BDK America Publication, 2017).



Kathryn Barush (GTU/JST)Art and the Sacred Journey in Britain, 1790-1850 (Routledge, 2016).

Ronald Burris (ABSW)Wisdom from Africa: Theological Reflections on the Confessions of St. Augustine (Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2016). 

Sharon Fennema (PSR)Queering Christian Worship, Reconstructing Liturgical Theology, co-ed. and contributor with Stephen Burns and W. Scott Haledman (2016).

Ruth Meyers (CDSP), Praying Shapes Believing: A Theological Commentary on the Book of Common Prayer, Revised Edition (Seabury Books, 2016).

Scott Mitchell (IBS)Buddhism in America: Global Religion, Local Contexts (Bloomsbury Academic, 2016).

Richard Payne (GTU)Pure Land Buddhism in China: A Doctrinal History, co-ed. with Natalie E.F. Quli, 2 vols. (Institute of Buddhist Studies and BDK America, 2016).

Julie Rubio (JST-SCU)Hope for Common Ground: Mediating the Personal and the Political in a Divided Church (Georgetown University Press, 2016).

Anh Q. Tran (JST)World Christianity: Perspectives and Insights (Orbis Press, 2016).



Purushottama Bilimoria (GTU/CDS)Emotions in Indian Thought-Systems (Routledge India, 2015).

Purushottama Bilimoria (GTU/CDS)Indian Diaspora: Hindus and Sikhs in Australia (D.K. Printworld, 2015).

Purushottama Bilimoria (GTU/CDS)Globalization, Transnationalism, Gender and Ecological Engagement (Serials Publications, 2015).

Thomas Cattoi (JST)Death, Dying, and Mysticism: The Ecstasy of the End (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).

Wendy Farley (SFTS)The Thirst of God: Contemplating God’s Love with Three Women Mystics (Westminster/John Knox, 2015).

Daijaku Judith Kinst (IBS)Trust, Realization and the Self in Soto Zen Practice, (Institute of Buddhist Studies and BDK America, 2015).

Elizabeth Liebert (SFTS), The Soul of Discernment: A Spiritual Practice for Communities and Institutions (Westminster/John Knox Press, 2015).

Scott MacDougall (CDSP)More Than Communion: Imagining an Eschatological Ecclesiolog (Bloomsbury–T&T Clark, 2015).

Ruth Meyers (CDSP)Missional Worship, Worshipful Mission: Gathering as God's People, Going out in God's Name (William B. Eerdman's Publishing Company, 2015). 

Scott Mitchell (IBS)Buddhism Beyond Borders: New Perspectives on Buddhism in the United States, co-authored with Natalie E.F. Quli (SUNY Press, 2015).

Ronald Nakasone (GTU)Asian American Religious Cultures, Volumes 1-2, co-ed. with Jonathan H. X. Lee, Fumitaka Matsuoka and Edmond Yee (ABC-CLIO, 2015).

Richard Payne (GTU)Homa Variations: The Study of Ritual Change Across the Longue Duree, co-ed. with Michael Witzel (Oxford University Press, 2015).

Ted Peters (PLTS), God--the World's Future, 3rd edition (Fortress, 2015).

Ted Peters (PLTS), Sin Boldly! Justifying Faith for Fragile and Broken Souls (Fortress, 2015).

Susan Phillips (GTU), ​The Cultivated Life: From Ceaseless Striving to Receiving Joy (IV Press, 2015).

Julia D.E. Prinz (JST)Interruption: Theological Thought and Photography in Dialogue with Johann Baptist Metz (Herder, 2015).



Purushottama Bilimoria (GTU/CDS)Postcolonial Reason and Its Critiques: Deliberations on Spivak's Thoughts (Oxford University Press, 2014).

Aaron Brody (GTU/PSR)Material Culture Matters: Essays on the Archaeology of the Southern Levant in Honor of Seymour Gitin (Eisenbrauns, 2014).

Aaron Brody (GTU/PSR)"As for me, I will dwell at Mizpah...: The Tell en-Nasbeh Excavations after 85 Years, edited with J.R. Zorn (Gorgias, 2014).

Thomas Cattoi (JST)Theodore the Stoudite: Writings on Iconoclasm and the Spiritual Life (Newman/Paulist Press, 2014).

Michael J. Dodds OP (DSPT)Philosophical Anthropology (Western Dominican Province, 2014).

Lisa Fullam (JST)Ethics and Spirituality: Readings in Moral Theology #17, co-ed. with Charles E. Curran (Paulist Press, 2014).

Jay Johnson (PSR)Peculiar Faith: Queer Theology for Christian Witness (Seabury Books, 2014).

Uriah Kim (GTU)Reading a Tendentious Bible: Essays in Honor of Robert B. Coote, co-ed. with Marvin Chaney and Annette Schellenberg (Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2014).

Sangyil Sam Park (ABSW)포스트모던 시대의 설교학 밑그림 (Preaching in the 21st Century) (Olive Tree Press, 2014).

Richard Payne (GTU)Scripture:Canon::Text:Context: Essays Honoring Lewis R. Lancaster, ed. (Institute of Buddhist Studies and the Numata Center/Berkeley, 2014).

Susan Phillips (GTU), ​Serving God’s Community: Studies in Honor of W. Ward Gasque (Regent College Publishing, 2014).

Anselm Ramelow (DSPT)God: Reason and Reality (Basic Philosophical Concepts) (Philosophia Verlag, 2014).

Kirsi Stjerna (PLTS)On the Apocalyptic and Human Agency: Conversations with Augustine of Hippo and Martin Luther (Cambridge Scholars Press, 2014).

David Vasquez-Levy (PSR)Accompaniment: A Bible Study on Mission (ELCA Global Missions, 2014).



LeAnn Snow Flesher (ABSW)Why?... How Long?: Studies on Voice(s) of Lamentation Rooted in Biblical Hebrew Poetry, co-ed. with Carol Dempsey and Mark Boda (T&T Clark, 2013).

Shauna Hannan (PLTS)Eco-Lutheranism: Lutheran Perspectives on Ecology, co-edited with Karla Bohmbach (Lutheran University Press, 2013).

Jay Johnson (PSR)Divine Communion: A Eucharistic Theology of Sexual Intimacy (Seabury Books, 2013).

James McDonald (SFTS)Preaching God’s Transforming Justice, Year A, Year B, and Year C (Westminster/John Knox Press, 2011-2013).

Cynthia Moe-Lobeda (PLTS/CDSP)Resisting Structural Evil: Love as Ecological-Economic Vocation (Fortress Press, 2013).

Ted Peters (PLTS), Theologians in Their Own Words, co-ed. with Derik Nelson and Joshua Moritz (Fortress, 2013).

Ted Peters (PLTS), GOD the World's Future: Systematic Theology for a Postmodern Era, 3rd edition (Fortress, 2013).

Jean-François Racine (JST)Beauty and the Bible: Toward a Hermeneutics of Biblical Aesthetics, co-ed. with Richard J. Bautch (Society of Biblical Literature, 2013).

Sandra M. Schneiders, IHM (JST)Jesus Risen in Our Midst: Essays on the Resurrection of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel (Liturgical Press, 2013). 



Ronald Burris (ABSW)Where is the Church? Martyrdom, Persecution, and Baptism in North Africa from the Second to the Fifth Century (Resource Publication, 2012).

Gabriella Lettini (SKSM)Soul Repair: Recovering from Moral Injury After War, co-authored with Rita Nakashima Brock (Beacon Press, 2012).

Robert Russell (CTNS)Time in Eternity: Pannenberg, Physics, and Eschatology in Creative Mutual Interaction (University of Notre Dame Press, 2012).

Sandra M. Schneiders, IHM (JST)Prophets in Their Own Country: Women Religious Bearing Witness to the Gospel in a Troubled Church (Orbis, 2012).

Kirsi Stjerna (PLTS)Martin Luther, the Bible, and the Jewish People (Fortress Press, 2012).

Augustine Thompson (DSPT)Francis of Assisi: A New Biography (Cornell, 2012).



Thomas Cattoi (JST)Perceiving the Divine Through the Human Body: Mystical Sensuality, co-ed. with June McDaniel (Palgrave McMillan, 2011).

Lisa Fullam (JST)Virtue Ethics: Readings in Moral Theology #16, co-ed. with Charles E. Curran (Paulist Press, 2011).

Arthur Holder (GTU)The Venerable Bede: On the Song of Songs and Selected Writings (Paulist Press, 2011).

Paul A. Janowiak (JST)Standing Together the Community of God: Liturgical Spirituality and the Presence of Christ (The Liturgical Press, 2011).

Jay Johnson (PSR)Queer Religion (two volumes), co-authored with Donald Boisvert (Praeger Publishers, 2011).

Ruth Meyers (CDSP)Christian Holiness & Human Sexuality: A Study Guide for Episcopalians, co-ed. with Gary R. Hall (Church Publishing, 2011).

Rita Sherma (GTU/CDS)Woman and Goddess in Hinduism: Reinterpretations and Re-envisioning, ed. (Palgrave MacMillan, 2011).



Eduardo C. Fernández (JST)Culture-Sensitive Ministry: Helpful Strategies for Pastoral Ministers, co-authored with Kenneth McGuire and Anne Hansen (Paulist Press, 2010).

Bryan Kromholtz, OP (DSPT)On the Last Day: The Time of the Resurrection of the Dead according to Thomas Aquinas (Academic Press, 2010).

James Lawrence (PSR), Principles in Play: Essays in Honor of George Dole, ed. (Studia Swedenborgiana Press, 2010).

Gregory Anderson Love (SFTS)Love, Violence, and the Cross: How the Nonviolent God Saves Us through the Cross of Christ (Cascade Books, 2010).

Ruth Meyers (CDSP)Worship-Shaped Life: Liturgical Formation and the People of God, co-ed. with Paul Gibson (Canterbury Press, 2010).

David Vasquez-Levy (PSR)Ruth (Augsburg Fortress, 2012); 1 and 2 Samuel (Augsburg Fortress, 2010).