Bridging the Gap: A conversation about reaching across faiths, connecting with the isolated, and closing the divide

Wednesday, November 18th 2020, 6:00pm
Online Event, 2400 Ridge Rd Berkeley, CA 94709

The University of the West, the Department of Religious Studies, and REL Graduate Council hosts "Bridging the Gap: A conversation about reaching across faiths, connecting with the isolated, and closing the divide." The event on Wednesday, November 18 at 6:00pm PST features outstanding guest panelists including Kamal Abu-Shamsieh, PhD from the GTU, Venerable Juewei, PhD from the Nan Tien Institute, John Paulien, PhD from Loma Linda University, George Lee, PhD from the University of Hong Kong, and Rabbi Mel Young from the Academcy for Jewish Religion. 

Zoom ID: 947 9013 6234
Passcode: 655665

This event is online only