Brown Bag Lunch with Chris Renz

Friday, December 6th 2019, 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Doug Adams Gallery, 2400 Ridge Road Berkeley, CA 94709

CARe's Brown Bag Lunch Series features presentations by recent CARe/GTU grant recipients, students, faculty, and staff. These are informal presentations, so please bring your sack lunch! Free & open to the public.

Our November talk will be given by Fr. Chris Renz, O.P. of the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology. In Spring 2019, Fr. Renz received a CARe grant to interview Morris Drexler for an ongoing research project on William Blase Schauer, O.P. and the Las Cruces Experiment.

Prior to Vatican Council II, Fr. Schauer was already formulating ideas for a unique and revolutionary liturgy program that was eventually called “Liturgy in Santa Fe.” He began to implement these ideas while at the Newman Center in Las Cruces, NM. Through the lens of “symbol, season, and heritage,” Fr. Schauer used fine arts to educate college students about Catholic worship and culture. Morris Drexler is one of the few persons alive who was a student during this time, working closely with Fr. Schauer to create hundreds of hours of audio recordings, photos, and videos. This talk explores Drexler's unique insights into the early thinking of Fr. Schauer.

The Doug Adams Gallery is the primary exhibition space for the Center for the Arts & Religion at the Graduate Theological Union.