Prayer-tivity workshop with Cantor Sharon Bernstein

Thursday, September 19th 2019, 5:30pm to 8:30pm
Doug Adams Gallery, 2400 Ridge Road Berkeley, CA 94709

Prayer-tivity: Unleashing the power of your creative process in understanding, experiencing, and practicing prayer

When you pray, what do you experience?  Would you like to go deeper, stronger, wider?  Would you like the words to sing, to dance, to spring off the page in iridescent form?  Those of us who pray often do so within a certain established context, with traditional words that are familiar and comforting, and can perhaps become a little static.  We often take these texts at face value.  However, within the texts of prayers, each word is a bud waiting to be unfurled, a world that can be entered through the power of our imagination.  The word "holy" can be wonderfully experienced as "holy", but can also be enhanced by seeing its rippling possibilities through context, metaphor, imagery, music, and movement.  In this workshop, using a blend of the practical and the fanciful, we will explore methods for using text study, the arts, and our creative selves to enhance the ways in which in which we understand, experience, and teach prayer. 

This workshop is led by Cantor Sharon Bernstein of Congregation Sha'ar Zahav, San Francisco. 

The Doug Adams Gallery is the primary exhibition space for the Center for the Arts & Religion at the Graduate Theological Union.