Faculty Directory

Diandra Erickson

Associate Dean of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment and Lecturer in Course Design and Pedagogy

Consortial Faculty
At the GTU since
(510) 649-2511

Diandra C. Erickson is the Associate Dean of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment and Lecturer in Course Design and Pedagogy. Dr. Erickson develops and leads faculty and student professional development in teaching, pedagogy, instructional design, and educational technologies. She researches and evaluates new and emerging teaching methods and instructional design theories and collaborates with GTU consortial faculty members to design pedagogically sound in-person, online, and blended courses. Dr. Erickson’s pedagogical practices utilize inclusive learning methods that can benefit a diverse range of students, including Culturally Responsive Teaching, Universal Design for Learning, and postcolonial and decolonial methods and practices. Dr. Erickson teaches doctoral courses on the scholarship of teaching and learning and received her MA and Ph.D. from the Graduate Theological Union.

Degrees and Certifications

Doctor of Philosophy, Graduate Theological Union 2018.

Master of Arts Graduate Theological Union 2012.

Bachelor of Arts, University of Puget Sound, 2009.

Selected Publications
  • "Unstable Constructions of Identity: Otherness and Ambivalent Subjectivities in Ezekiel 23" in Prophetic Otherness: Constructions in Prophetic Literature, edited by Steed Davidson and Daniel Timmer, T&T Clark, 2021, 151-172.
  • "Review of Articulate Storyline 360," Teaching Theology and Religion, Vol 23.2 (2020), 135-136.
  • "Review of VoiceThread," Teaching Theology and Religion, Vol. 23.4 (2020) 299-301.
  • "Judges" in Postcolonial Commentary on the Old Testament, edited by Hemschand Gossai, T&T Clark, 2019: 122-141.