Knowledge & Diversity: Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Center for Islamic Studies

Tuesday, September 19th 2017 to Friday, January 26th 2018

In celebration of our 10th year anniversary, the Center for Islamic Studies is delighted to present an exhibition at the GTU library from September 19, 2017, through January 26, 2018, on the themes of knowledge and diversity. The exhibition highlights students, graduates, faculty, and visiting scholars works in Islamic Studies, along with art works and public programs.

An opening reception will take place on September 19, from 5:30 - 7:30pm in the newly renovated Collaborative Learning Space in the library. For more information, please contact Rania Shah, CIS program coordinator:

Save the date of Thursday, December 7, for a reception celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Center for Islamic Studies. Additional details to be announced.