Poetry Break

Monday, April 27th 2020, 4:00pm

Celebrate Poetry Month virtually with Poet and Pastor Rev. Nate Klug! 

Now, more than ever, poetry can provide a welcome distraction and a healing balm. CARe presents "Poetry Break" with Nate Klug on Monday, April 27, from 4-5:30pm. 

Poems will be made available a week prior, so you can read and reflect before Nate leads us in discussion. 

Please join us on Zoom using the link gtu.zoom.us/j/6139737775

Nate Klug is a poet, translator, and essayist. He is the author of "Rude Woods," a modern translation of Virgil's "Eclogues" (The Song Cave, 2013), "Anyone, a book of poems" (The University of Chicago Press, 2015), and the forthcoming "Hosts and Guests" (Princeton Series of Contemporary Poets, 2020).

His writing has been supported by fellowships from the James Merrill House, the MacDowell Colony, and the Poetry Foundation. He lives and works in the Bay Area of California.