Faculty Directory

Julia Prinz

Adjunct Lecturer in Christian Spirituality and Former Director Women of Wisdom and Action Initiative

Core Doctoral Faculty
At the GTU since

Holding advanced degrees in Political Science and Psychology from the Georg-August University Goettingen, Germany, theology degrees from the Friedrich-Willhelms University, Bonn, Germany, and the Pontifical Urbanian University, Rome, Italy, Dr.Prinz also completed a Ph.D in Christian Spirituality from the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley in 2006, and has been a lecturer at JST-SCU ever since. She was also appointed as Professor at the Instituto San Pablo Verbum Dei, Loeches-Madrid, Spain.

As a member of the Verbum Dei, (www.verbumdeiusa.org) she has been involved in base-community work with Hispanic and Asian immigrant populations in San Francisco since 1995. She has also served her congregation as a formation director and from 2008 to 2015, as the United States Provincial Superior, having partaken in numerous general Congregations in Rome and their Taskforces since 2001.

Dr. Prinz is a regular speaker at regional and national theological conferences in Germany and the United States. Her speaking assignments and publications in general, specifically her book, Endangering Hunger for God, show her commitment to using theological research for the empowerment of the marginalized.

Her current research includes: biblical hermeneutics, the dialogue between theology/spirituality and photography, the dialogue between theology/spirituality and medicine regarding the process of healing, marginal and hybrid-identities in their significance for theological thought and a specific interest in spiritual and theological formation in Asia.

Dr. Prinz served from 2012-2019 as the Director of the Women of Wisdom and Action Initiative, serving women religious and their congregations and missions from different parts of Asia. The initiative is a comprehensive approach to providing theological leadership training and networks for sisters to become change agents in their home communities and societies. The initiative is a joint venture between the Verbum Dei, the Jesuit School of Theology and the worldwide Society of Jesus.

Selected Publications
  • “Women, Wisdom, Action” in Doing Theology as if People Mattered, Encounters in Contextual Theology, ed. Deborah Ross and Eduardo Fernandez, (Paulist, Minnesota, 2019)
  • “Loss and Memory, Mist, Grief and Grey in Poetry and Photography”  in This Need to Dance/This Need to Kneel: Denise Levertov and the Poetics of Faith ed. Mike Murphy Melissa Bradshaw (WipfandStock, Eugene, 2019)
  • “Psalms” in Paulist: Psalm-Commentary, John C. Endres, Julia D.E. Prinz, (Paulist Press: Mahwah, NJ, 2018)
  • “Of Broken Bread and Breadcrumbs Alike, Nepantlas sharing the Eucharistic Table” in Scripture and Social Justice: Catholic and Ecumenical Essays, ed. Anathea Portier-Young, Gregory Sterling, LexingtonBooks/Fortress Academ-ic: Minneapolis, MN, 2018.
  • Editors with Hans-Gerd Jansen und Michael Rainer, Theologie in Gefährdeter Zeit, Stichworte von nahen und fernen Weggefährten für Johann Baptist Metz zum 90. Geburtstag, 600 pages, Lit-Verlag: Muenster, 2018.
  • “Augenblick: Fragen zur Zeit und Mystik”, in Theologie Gefährdeter Zeit, 392 -396.
  • Publication of 21 original photographs in Theologie in Gefährdeter Zeit.
  • “Psalms”, in The Paulist Biblical Commentary, Paulist: New York/Mahwah, NJ, 2018. (with John Endres, SJ)
  • “Mercy through the Luminesce of Greyscale: Photographic Images and the Political Theology of Johann Baptist Metz”, in Facing the World: Political Theology and Mercy, ed John K.Downey, Steve Ostovich and Johann M. Vento, Paulist: New York/Mahwah, NJ, 2018.
  • "The Presence of Absence: A Mystical-Political Reflection on Jeremiah 20:7-18," in La Palabra Se Expresa, ed. Kathi Karl, Anne-Katrin Kurz, Monte Carmelo: Madrid, 2014.
  • Mercy and The World: Principle and Foundation of Christian Spirituality, FADICA: Washington, 2014. (with Kevin Burke, SJ)
  • "Nepantla, Mestizo and Amphibolous: Care Across Cultures," in Bloomsbury Guide to Christian Pastoral Care, ed. Bernadette Flannargan, Sharon Thornton, Bloomsbury Pub-lishing: London, Berlin, New York and Sydney, 2014
  • "Barefoot in a Wedding Dress: Religious Life in Asia and Hermeneutics of Spirituality," in Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality, Volume 12, Number 2, Fall 2012.
  • "Von dem was fehlt" eine Stimme fuer den "stillen Schrei" US-amerikanische biblische Reflexionen," in Theologische-Politische Vergewisserungen, ed. Michael J. Rainer, Josef Antonio Zamora, Litverlag: Muenster/New York, 2009.
  • Endangering Hunger For God, Johann Baptist Metz and Dorothee Soelle at the Interface of Biblical Hermeneutic and Christian Spirituality, Lit-Verlag: Muenster/New York, 2007.
  • Between Endangering Memory and Hunger for Justice, Verbum Dei International: Valencia, 2006.
  • "The Relationship between the Inner and Outer Dimensions in Islam as a Foundation for the Inter-Religious Dialogue," in Islam And Christian-Muslim Relations, Vol. 15 Number 2, April 2004, 171-184.
Courses Taught

SPOT 4444: Biblical Issues in Christian Spirituality (with John Endres, S.J., Ph.D.)
SPPS 4138: Spirituality and Healing
SPPS 4020: Taking Her Word: Pastoral Theology and Feminist Hermeneutics (with Sharon G. Thornton, Ph.D.)
SPOT 4210: Memory in Scripture and Spirituality
SPPS 2334: Spiritually Informed Pastoral Care (with Joseph D. Driskill, Ph.D.)
SPST 4323: Post-Auschwitz and Hispanic Theologies in Dialogue (with Eduardo Fernandez, SJ, S.T.D)
SPST 4326: Mission, Hybridity and Hermeneutics
STSP 4650: Theology, Poetry, Photography (with Kevin Burke, S.J., S.T.D.)
SPST 4772: Memoria Passionis: Questioning God
SPST 5298: Political Theologies: Hermeneutics and Spirituality (with Kevin Burke, S.J., S.T.D.)
SPST 5305: Christology and the Hermeneutics of Discipleship
SP 5090: Doctoral Seminar in Christian Spirituality (with Arthur Holder, Ph.D)