GTU Voices - Reflections on Moral Leadership and Responsibility

Reflections on Moral Leadership and Responsibility

By Uriah Y. Kim, President

A Message from Dr. Uriah Kim

January 7, 2021

GTU Community Members:

Like many among us, as the fall semester was winding down three short weeks ago, I looked forward to the hastening conclusion of 2020: a year that dealt our community, our country, and our world a slate of extraordinary and unprecedented challenges. I eagerly anticipated a new day, and a new year, fresh with opportunity and hope.

And yet, as the seditious and reprehensible events of yesterday’s melee at our nation’s capital made clear, our work in the building of a more just and loving world is far from concluded. Indeed, it remains more important than ever – as is our continued commitment to walking in the light of our core values as an institution, a community, and for many of us, as people of faith and spirit. 

Yesterday was an historic day for many reasons – some inspiring, and some despairing. Both offer a similar wisdom: each of us is endowed with a responsibility, and an opportunity, to act in a manner reflecting “the change we wish to see in the world.” We can stand proudly as exemplars of the moral and ethical values we rightly expect of our leaders at every level, as we join hands in advancing the sister causes of peace and justice.

To quote from the victory speech of Rev. Raphael Warnock, Georgia’s Senator-Elect: “[My father] used to wake me up every morning at dawn…But it was still dark. It’s dark right now. But morning comes. And scripture tells us weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. Let us rise up, greet the morning, and meet the challenges of this moment. Together, we can do the necessary work and win the future for all of our children.”

May our thoughts and deeds continue to be guided by our commitment to seeing the good and the just prevail.

Peace and blessings,



Uriah Y. Kim, President

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