Call for Papers for Asia Project Student Colloquium

Authored by: 
Asia Project

Asia Project at the GTU cordially invites doctoral (PhD or STD) students working on topics or themes relevant to Asian-Pacific contexts to present their projects at the fourth Semi-Annual Student Colloquium on Monday October 16th, 2017, from 12:30-2:00 pm. 

This colloquium provides a place where doctoral students present their work (dissertation or special COMPS) to fellow GTU students, faculty, and staff. We expect to the panel to include 2 presenters and 1 respondent, followed by a Q & A session.

Doctoral students who have completed their coursework and are preparing for or working on their dissertation are eligible to apply to present at this forum. This is an opportunity to let the GTU community know what Asia/Oceania-related issues are being studied and discussed in academia currently. As a token of apprecaition, the Asia Project will give each presenter a $100 gift card.

The event is open to the public and free lunch (delicious Asian cuisine!) will be served. GTU students and faculty interested in the Asian and Oceanic culture and religion will be invited. More than 30 faculty members and students attended the most recent forum.

Students interested in presenting should send a presentation abstract (300 words) to the Asia Project assistant ( by September 27, noting how the topic is related to Asia or Oceania. Abstracts should include the student's name, school, area, and the title of the project/dissertation. The decision will be announced by Oct. 2nd via e-mail.