Call for Papers for Teaching Theology & Religion

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GTU Communications

Call for Papers for the journal Teaching Theology and Religion

The journal Teaching Theology & Religion, under the direction of the GTU, has issued a call for papers on the topic of “Bringing New Modalities into the Religion and Theology Classroom.” Manuscripts are due August 15, 2020. A detailed description and guidelines can be downloaded by clicking here.

Manuscripts will focus on questions emerging from the use of technology in theological education brought on by the global COVID-19 pandemic: What new kinds of modalities are made possible by today’s learning environments, and what strategies are teachers and learners developing to make the most of these experiences? How do technology, the arts, service learning, or other integrated approaches help and/or hinder the construction of new knowledge and formation? How do these integrated modalities respond to the current public health crisis?

For more information, please read the description and guidelines or contact the co-editors: Dr. Kyle Schiefelbein-Guerrero, Dr. Rebecca Esterson,

The GTU journal Teaching Theology and Religion is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal. Its content will focus on teaching methods that are interreligious, interdisciplinary, international, and feature integrated modalities (technology). In addition to continuing to longer articles on various pedagogical issues, book reviews, and “In the Classroom” essays about concrete practices, the revised journal will include a new section reviewing developments in learning technology.  Online access to the journal and its back issues (published under the Wabash Center’s oversight through the end of 2019) can be found here.