CIS News for December 2016

CIS-CJS joint Madrasa-Midrasha program is pleased to announce that Dr. Shahzad Bashir and Dr. Charlotte Fonrobert (both at Stanford University) will present, “Scholarship Across Divides: Jewish and Islamic Studies in Conversation,” to be held on December 1 at the GTU Library Dinner Board Room. Reception at 6:30 pm and lectures 7-8:30 pm.

The final CIS-CJS joint Madrasa-Midrasha class, Texts/Contexts: Judaism and Islam, will be held 1-6 pm on December 4 at the GTU Library Board Room. The topic will be “Insiders and Outsiders” in Judaism and Islam, and will be led by Dr. Charlotte Fonrobert (Stanford University) and Dr. Abdullah Ali (Zaytuna College). The class is open to all.

Congratulations to CIS Program Coordinator, Rania Shah, who will be presenting a paper, titled, “Al-Ghazali on Reason and Revelation: A Revival at the Heart of the Islamic Scholarly Tradition,” at the Oxford Symposium on Religious Studies, Dec. 5-7th.

Congratulations to Carol Bier, Islamic art historian and CIS visiting scholar, who has curated the exhibition, “Reverberating Echoes: Contemporary Art Inspired by Traditional Islamic Art,” opening with a reception on January 31, 2017 and on through May 26, 2017, at the Doug Adams Gallery, Center for the Arts & Religion, Graduate Theological Union.