GTU Moves All Classes Online through March 29

Authored by: 
GTU Communications

A Letter from Interim President Uriah Kim

March 9, 2020

Members of the GTU Community:

The GTU administration considers it essential to keep the members of our campus community healthy and safe. As you are likely aware, the situation regarding COVID-19 is rapidly changing, prompting neighboring campuses such as UC Berkeley and Stanford University to move most courses online.

At this time, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 on any of the GTU Consortium’s campuses, nor on UC Berkeley’s campus. However, as public health recommendations shift to include mitigation of transmission, many institutions of higher learning are proactively taking steps that will help to protect their communities. Therefore, as a precautionary measure, the GTU will shift all in-person courses to an online format beginning Tuesday, March 10th and continuing through Sunday, March 29th, at the conclusion of Spring Break. Additionally, full-time, part-time, and student staff are encouraged to work with their supervisor and in accordance with GTU’s policies to make suitable arrangements for remote work during the same period. All other campus services and the library will operate as usual. Currently, it is anticipated that regular classes and work arrangements will resume on Monday, March 30th.

Further updates and information regarding the GTU’s preparations for, and response to COVID-19 may be found here. This page includes dedicated sections for Health & Safety, Campus Operations, Academic Resources (Faculty & Students), Staff Resources, Travel Guidelines, and Guidelines for Events and Activities. Additional questions or concerns not addressed by the resources on this webpage may be directed to

Instructions for moving courses online have been shared with faculty and are accessible in the Academic Resources section below. If faculty require assistance in moving their course online, they may refer to guidelines provided by the Director of Digital Learning or email, or Students with questions or concerns regarding course accessibility may address those questions to their instructor. The GTU remains committed to making sure that all students are equipped and empowered to make academic progress in their classes through this time, and will be making maximum use of alternative modalities for learning and instruction, such as Moodle and Zoom.

Please keep in mind that as we take steps to help ensure the health and safety of our community, we are also trusting our community to respond in a spirit of calm, decency, and mutual support and respect. We ask everyone to be mindful and steadfast in observance of these values, and to learn more about stigma and resilience with facts and information provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Thank you for your partnership, cooperation, and flexibility as we work to keep our campus and our community healthy, vibrant, and safe.

Peace and blessings,
Uriah Kim
President (Interim)
Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs

The GTU is continuing to monitor the situation closely and will continue to share updates with the community at