Robert A. Rees Named Director of Mormon Studies

Robert A. Rees has been appointed director of Mormon studies at the Graduate Theological Union. Dr. Rees has taught at UCLA, UC Santa Cruz, and UC Berkeley, and was a Fulbright Professor of American Studies at Vytautas Magnus University in Lithuania. Rees has taught classes in Mormon studies at the GTU since 2010, and has published widely on Mormon and religious studies, as well as on issues of politics, culture, literary studies, and gender and sexuality studies.

Dr. Rees served as director of continuing education in the arts and humanities at UCLA, where he was also assistant dean of fine arts and director of the UCLA-Cambridge Program and the UCLA Royal College of Art and Royal College of Music programs in London. Long active in interfaith work, Rees served as president of the University Religious Conference at UC Santa Cruz and, more recently, on the board of the Marin Interfaith Council. He is the cofounder and vice president of the Liahona Children’s Foundation, a humanitarian organization that addresses malnutrition in the developing world.

Bob is a key member of the Bay Area Mormon Studies Council, which is working with the GTU and the wider Mormon community to establish an academic chair in Mormon studies at the GTU.