Salma Arastu: Seeking Oneness

Thursday, October 11th 2018 to Friday, January 11th 2019

“Seeking Oneness,” featuring the flowing, graceful paintings and sculptures of Salma Arastu, is on display at the Flora Lamson Hewlett Library from October 11. 2018 through January 11, 2019. An artist's reception will be held in the library from 6-8 pm on Thursday October 11.

Artist Salma Arastu has almost 40 solo shows to her credit, and sees her work as inspired by the spirit of the divine. "I have constantly searched for meaning and have arrived at one word, Oneness, which I am seeking constantly through my paintings, sculptures, and poetry,” Arastu reflects. Over the past more than thirty years she has created images with continuous, lyrical line and a variety of re-purposed materials in an effort to express joy in the universal spirit that unites humanity.

“Seeking Oneness” is made possible by the Jane Dillenberger Fine Arts Endowment Fund, and is open during regular library hours.