Leadership in an Unpredictable Future -- Ethics in Innovation

Wednesday, May 30th 2018, 6:00pm
186 Stanford Shopping Center Palo Alto, CA 94304

The Ignite Institute at PSR invites you to join them (online or in person) for an exciting conversation with cross-sector leaders looking at the intersection of Ethics and Technology.

Across sectors, technology is helping to improve how we do our work from everything to automated emails to complex algorithms that gather big data using machine learning and artificial intelligence. As such, our current technological struggles are not a question of possibility, but of choice. Just because we can build it, should we? What ethical frameworks do we need to build into our design process for innovation? How might this ethical framework prevent future unintended consequences and actually lead to better design?

Hear from leaders in Ancient Wisdom, Technology, Venture Capital, Nonprofit and Public Sectors who are grappling with hard questions regarding technology and innovation.

And join us for a design challenge after the panel! We plan to co-create a live prototype for an ethical framework for innovation concurrently with this event – all participants will receive access to the Ethical Framework Prototype.

Find out more and register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/leadership-in-an-unpredictable-future-ethic...