Protocols and Other Area-Related Material

GTU doctoral students must comply with policies and requirements included in the GTU Catalog in place at the time they matriculate into the doctoral program. The Area protocols below apply to students who began the doctoral program in Spring 2015 or before, prior to the GTU's adoption of its current doctoral curriculum. Click here to learn more about the current doctoral program.

In general, the GTU Catalog describes “what” a student must do to earn a doctoral degree.  Area protocols include Area-specific requirements and policies, but also describe “how” students meet program requirements.  Area protocols change more frequently than Catalog content, therefore, students must comply with protocols in place at the time a student is ready to fulfill a particular requirement, providing a change in protocols doesn’t require a substantial delay in making satisfactory academic progress.  If SAP is at risk, the student must follow the Area protocol current at the time s/he matriculated into the program.

Below are links to GTU doctoral program Area protocols and other Area-related materials.  Also included is a link to Allied Field information for each doctoral Area.   Please alert the GTU Dean of Students right away if you find information that is outdated or otherwise inaccurate.  Continuing students can also find a copy of Area protocols and other Area-related materials on each Area’s Moodle site.

Area Protocols  (updated June 2013)

Art and Religion Protocol

Biblical Studies Protocol - Biblical Language Information Sheet and Registration Form

Christian Spirituality Protocol

Cultural and Historical Studies of Religions Protocol

Ethics and Social Theory Protocol

History Protocol

Interdisciplinary Studies Protocol

Liturgical Studies Protocol

Systematic and Philosophical Theology Protocol